About Us
We believe that Jesus Christ came to reveal the fullness of God's love for us, and we continue to celebrate that love through praise, sacraments, service, and community. |
Support Us
Making an offering of our financial resources is an integral part of what it means to be a Christian. We encourage you to consider Online Giving to support our church. |
Frances and Theodore Perrault Scholarship
For St. Michael's Catholic Church Parishioners: Three $1,500 scholarships are being awarded if all eligibilities are met.
Eligibility: All traditional and non-traditional students, college bound, vocational or associate degree.
The Perrault scholarship committee will make the final decision on all eligible applicants.
Deadline for applications is Monday, April 14, 2025.
Apply for scholarship at: Perraultscholarship.com
For St. Michael's Catholic Church Parishioners: Three $1,500 scholarships are being awarded if all eligibilities are met.
Eligibility: All traditional and non-traditional students, college bound, vocational or associate degree.
The Perrault scholarship committee will make the final decision on all eligible applicants.
Deadline for applications is Monday, April 14, 2025.
Apply for scholarship at: Perraultscholarship.com
News & EventsKnights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast
Come enjoy a hearty pancake breakfast hosted by the Knights of Columbus on Sunday, February 9, from 9:30 AM to noon at St. Michael's Church. Cost is $9 per person, with a family maximum of $20. We hope to see you there! CHUM
Thank you, St. Michael's parishioners, for your generosity! With your kindness, we collected 283 pounds of food and $307 in cash donations for CHUM in 2024. Your support makes a real difference in the lives of those in need and has a meaningful impact in our community. Beatitudes in Action - Laundry Love
Thank you to all who donated to Laundry Love this past month. On 1/21, volunteers Mary Ann, Jenn and Mary served 17 persons (it was a cold day) representing 31 individuals and families. We funded 31 loads of laundry washed and dried at a cost of $300. Cash or check donations (St Michael’s-memo line: Laundry Love) fund our service date. We use Spirit Valley Laundry and each Tuesday is funded and covered by a different group: 1st Vineyard, 2nd St Paul’s Episcopal and YMCA, 3rd St Michael’s, 4th Lakeside Presbyterian and Good Shepherd Lutheran, 5th West Duluth Churches. We are collecting now for our next service date on 2/18. Laundrylove.org formerly the UCA
Quick linksBulletin - St. Michael's, Cathedral of our Lady & St. Mary Star of the Sea
St. Michael's Catholic Church
4901 East Superior Street Duluth, MN 55804 218-525-1902 Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 10:30 am |